My GPS Purchase Experience – Continued…
August 17, 2009 Leave a comment
So, I returned the TomTom GO 630, and since I said I was looking to exchange it for the TomTom GO 730, they said they would waive the 15% restocking fee. However, the price on both units at Best Buy had gone up significantly. The GO 630 went up by $80, and the GO 730 was now selling for $360. I asked if they would match the prices of either the TomTom site itself, or another local brick and mortar. They said they couldn’t match any price other than their own online price, which was the same, so I left with just the full refund.
I went hunting around online, and found that 6th Avenue had the TomTom GO 730 for less than I paid for the GO 730 at Best Buy. So I drove over to my local 6th Avenue, and the price on display was $100 more than their online price. I do not understand these brick and mortars that sell for two different prices. I somewhat understand a little markup for the convenience of in-store shopping, and maintaining a store front, but $100 over the online price seems excessive. When I questioned it, a manager came over, and very quickly offered to sell it at their online price. Kudos to 6th Avenue for doing that, but I wonder about the unsuspecting consumer that wanders in without the knowledge of the online pricing scam. What is even sillier, is that I could have ordered it online, and done an in store pickup, and gotten the online price anyway. Silly, silly, silly.
Moving on from the purchasing experience, I got the unit home, did a full backup (as recommended by many) and went to link the device with my TomTom home software, only to be greeted by this:
So I figure, OK, this makes sense, let’s switch it. But, I get this warning:
Nope, sorry, I get this dialog box informing me I can’t without contacting customer support!?
Excuse me? I can’t switch to my new device? Why? I only had one device before. This is my first device switch in 6 months anyway! If someone can explain the rationale behind this message, I am all ears.
So, I go to call TomTom support “The leader in personal navigation”, only to find out that they only operate “Monday through Friday, 8:30AM-7PM and Saturday 9AM-6PM Eastern Time, our support line is now closed”. For a global company, I expected a bit more from them. Oh well, now I have to call them during their support hours and see about switching my device. The journey continues…