NUTCAAL, “Not using the camera at arms length”


Maybe this is posted elsewhere, maybe it isn’t, but I’d like to call attention to the “I have a screen so I’ll use it at arms length to compose my photo”, or IHASSIUIAALTCMP. I’d recommend, NUTCAAL, “Not using the camera at arms length”, and, at least I can pronounce NUTCAAL. OK, silly new acronyms aside, what I’m talking about is folks who insist on using their cameras while holding it with arms fully extended.

With so many P&S cameras leaving out the optical viewfinder, providing less than full coverage in the viewfinder, or DSLR’s with “live-view”, it seems that this practice has become an epidemic.
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Time for my new site…


Well, I finally made the switch to WordPress.  I’ve been meaning to do this for some time now, and re-do my entire site, so here I am.  Learning as I go, please be patient…
