Dear Baby Girl, Happy First Birthday!


Katherine Rose Hoetzl

Dear Baby Girl,
A year ago, right around this time I was getting ready to go out and take some photos out at Echo Lake or maybe Watchung Reservation as I had normally done on weekends.  I was delayed because I had to use the potty, a word I haven’t used in many years, when I heard your mommy call out for me.  You were on your way to meet us in person.  You were supposed to show up on Monday, but I guess you just couldn’t wait another day.  We made the phone call to the Dr., to grandmas and grandpas and got ready to leave.   When we returned home, we would be a family.

On that day, you changed my life in ways I could never imagine.  I love watching you grow, you falling asleep in my arms, the changes that occur at an alarming rate.   It is truly amazing, how in just one year, you have gone from that tiny little baby I saw naked, to this little girl, that fights back when we need to change you, crawls around screaming,  standing, almost walking, eating, well, tasting, everything you can fit in your tiny mouth.

I look forward to seeing every new joy you bring us in the next year of your life.

1 Year Old Princess

Happy First Birthday Baby Girl!




Urban sod gardening – “it will never grow”


A sure sign that spring is approaching in the city is when I see the building’s janitorial staff watering the sidewalks.  I’ve always found this practice a bit odd, and I’ve even commented to the folks holding the hose that “it will never grow” and based on the response, I’m not convinced they get it.  Yes, I know why they are doing it but I really find it absurd.  This is a sidewalk in New York City and last I checked, this isn’t a desert – it will rain.

Urban Sod Gardening

Anyone else witness this in your city?



The last can


The last canThis past Sunday night marked another milestone in our little one’s life.  She polished off the last of the formula that got her to where she is today nutrition wise, well after the first couple of months of bm.
It is both a happy and sad time – our little girl is growing by the second.  Sure she has had real food but that is mainly a learning experience for her with formula being the main source.  We’ve been mixing in and fully substituting a whole bottle of regular milk and sneaking in her vitamins for about a month now.  Luckily (knocking on wood) she took to it like a champ and we don’t have to sneak the vitamins in either.

She is also eating and throwing more and more diverse foods, and now we are starting to ween her off the bottle too.  Something that doesn’t seem to be going as smoothly as the real milk transition.  I don’t think I’ll be writing “the last bottle” too soon.  Diapers getting more “interesting” too 🙂

Just this time last year, I was assembling a crib and making what seemed to be daily visits to the doctors that would deliver our little bundle of joy.  It really does go by quickly.  She will be one year young soon, but will always be my baby girl.

