One proper way to request and use an image from an online sharing site, thanks ARKive!
September 1, 2010 Leave a comment
It seems many of my tweets and some recent posts are about rights grabs – well, this post is about one way I feel that requesting and using image from an online photo sharing sites, in this case, flickr, should be done.
Many times, even from my little flickr stream, I find my images being used, and most of the time, they are not used and credited correctly. Yes, I am aware that photo credits don’t pay the bills, but I think you have to consider where the request is coming from, and how it will be used, before you just refuse it because the requester doesn’t want to pay.
A short while back, I was contacted, on flickr by ARKive. Even though it had the appearance of a form letter, the content of it was to the point, and explained what they were asking for, and how and where it would be used, further offering to send still more information if I should want it. Read more of this post