Dear Baby Girl, Happy 2nd Birthday!


Dear Baby Girl,
Happy Birthday!
Another year gone by since you came into my life.  Watching you grow is amazing, you are amazing!

Will I be that tall? So happy with her balloon Finally got a smile I'm coming for that camera! Balloons get the thumbs up! I'm gonna get that plant Just over 15 Months The cutest little frog I did not have a Jelly Doughnut! All the snow, but she plays on the slide First Hair Cut

Over the past year, you had a number of firsts – You had your first ride on a “quarter horse”, you played skee ball for the first time, went into the ocean, got your first hair cut and more.  And now I even tag this post with toddler, but I’m still calling you my baby girl!

All dressed up

I love coming home from work, when you get so excited to see me, when you climb up on me to take a nap, and all the little things you do.  No matter how silly they may be at times, I love it! I love being your tickle monster, your ball getter, and whatever else you need!

I can’t wait to see what the next year has in store for us, Happy 2nd Birthday!

