Summer photography tip – hotel induced condensation

Condensation is one of the enemies of  photographers.  It occurs at the most inopportune times.  A lot of people associate condensation with the colder seasons, but it can also happen on your summer outing.

About 3 years ago I was all set to shoot the airshow in Atlantic City, NJ, “Thunder over the boardwalk“.  I had my 20D with a 100-400 all prepared, batteries charged, I was raring to go.  About 20 minutes before the show was set to begin, I got in the elevator, camera in my bag, got out on the boardwalk, walked up the hill I had scoped out, took the camera out…and waited…and waited, with the camera back in the bag, for it to come up to the ambient temperature, which was probably around 90°F.

F16 Climb with vapor trail Read more of this post

Dear Baby Girl, Happy 3rd Birthday!

Dear Baby Girl,

Happy 3rd Birthday!

What a year it has been! Your first trip to the Bronx Zoo, Sesame Place, Walt Disney World, but if I had to pick a highlight, it would have to be hearing your little voice.  You were a little trooper and you came through sooner than anyone expected.  It is simply amazing.


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Zip ties – so many uses, so easy to carry

In this part two of what I am now categorizing as “What’s in my camera bag that isn’t necessarily made by a photographic company” allow me to introduce zip ties.

Ziptie assortment

They come in all sorts of widths, lengths, colors and materials. They are typically plastic but also come in stainless steel, and ones with a place to write a label on.  They weigh next to nothing, and cost just pennies, so why not carry a small assortment with you. When gaffer’s tape might not work, they can save many broken things, bottom line, they are just for cleaning up cable messes. Read more of this post